.....performance eseguita nell'ambito della personale DUAL 3.   al CART  di Falconara  - AN   ...


Termed Photopsyche 3.0. the performance will involve the spectator who will become the protagonist of the work itself.
It is the evolutionary development of a concept born in 2015 which takes the name of Photopsyche or literally "photoportrait with the psyche" in an imaginary attempt that unites the visible with the invisible, a face with its thought, matter with its energy.
 The new psycho-portraits 3.0 are part of the D.A.J. research. presented in preview at the CART in Falconara and have AI as their theme.
Through a personal choice and by thinking about an alpha-numeric series that will be transcribed on the photo, for each of the photographed subjects a formula will be composed that will help the algorithm in representing a singular image.

 The portrait will therefore be composed of a real part of the subject together with the digital art creation resulting from the algorithmic formula.

  Test n.1

Test 7

Test 8

Test 4

...durante la performance vengono fatti indossare degli occhiali creati apposta per l'evento come quello che indossa la modella sul manifesto.......